3 Steps to Pursuing a Career You Enjoy

Spend 90,000 Hours On Work That You Love. “I’m burned out. I hate my job. I’m just doing this to collect a paycheck.” Those are all comments that people have made about the positions they hold. [...]

How to Deal with Job Burnout

Job Burnout Is Real. Job burnout is real, and so many high-capacity people must face this truth at some point. We over-commit, work too long, and stretch ourselves too thin. We continue to send [...]

Preparing Your Resume for Expat Work

Crafting your expat resume for jobs abroad can be challenging as it pertains to format and style in each country. The way your academic accomplishments are presented may be the difference between [...]

Impacting Your Community

Look for Opportunities to Give Back  Every week M. Santiago Group helps professionals craft professional resumes and navigate through the next steps of their careers.  We love what we do! Our [...]