Interactive Webinars

Life Skills LaunchPad is a comprehensive train-the-trainer guide designed to equip nonprofit organizations and community change agents to engage and lead families and individuals they serve with basic life skills. These skills include communication, critical thinking and problem-solving to help deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. Not only will an increase in life skills better an individual, but it will assist him or her in an improved quality of life in areas such as wage gains, job opportunities and even health. The training material covers the following topics:
- The Art of Professionalism
- Dressing for Success
- Job Readiness Training
- Written and Oral Communication
- Etiquette 101
- Household and Personal Management
- Calendar Management
- Social Media Management
Are Your Volunteers Helping or Hurting Your Organizational Capacity?
It is common practice for organizations to use volunteers to help with a wide variety of projects. By leveraging volunteers, we can create greater engagement with community members supportive of our work, as well as achieve more than doing everything ourselves. Volunteers can also drain resources if not focused and managed effectively. Does my organization have the capacity to handle volunteers? Are volunteers something my organization really needs? What can my organization do differently to better manage its current volunteers? Find out the answers to some of the pressing questions regarding volunteer management.

How to Manage a Faith-Based Nonprofit in a World Without Faith.
Many nonprofits are rooted in a faith-based approach to alleviating societal challenges. In a secular world, some faith-based nonprofits find it difficult to maintain the integrity of their religious identity when engaging with donors, funding organizations, beneficiaries and the community.
This webinar offers a discussion on how to navigate a faith-based organization in an environment that can appear reluctant, if not sometimes hostile, toward overtly religious solutions to some of our nation’s most pressing social issues.
Avoiding the Sinkhole of Founder’s Syndrome When Hiring A New Executive Director.
Coping with founder’s syndrome requires discussion of the problem, a plan of action, and interventions by the founder, the board and or by others involved in the organization. The objective of the plan should be to allow the organization to make a successful transition to a mature organizational model without damage to either the organization itself or the individuals concerned.
This webinar will offer a discussion on maintaining healthy relationships between the founder, the board and the new executive director.

If your nonprofit organization is interested in attending a webinar, please contact us at for more information.
If your nonprofit organization is interested in attending a webinar, please contact us at
for more information.
for more information.