3 Steps to Pursuing a Career You Enjoy

Spend 90,000 Hours On Work That You Love.

โ€œIโ€™m burned out. I hate my job. Iโ€™m just doing this to collect a paycheck.โ€ Those are all comments that people have made about the positions they hold. Throughout the course of your career, you will spend 90,000 hours at work. Some would say that how we spend our days at our jobs is a reflection of how we spend our lives. If we are bitter at work, weโ€™re probably going to be bitter at home, and if we lack enthusiasm in our careers, we might lack enthusiasm in other areas of our lives.

3 Steps to Pursuing a Career You Enjoy

So, how do we make the transition to doing a job which we truly enjoy? Here are 3 steps to consider.

Evaluate Yourself

To get from where you are to where you want to be, there is a journey and self-awareness is part of it. What do you love and what do you hate? What are your weaknesses and what are your strengths? Do you know what opportunities are available to you and how to get connected to them? Determining the answer to those questions will serve as a guide for your next steps in pursuing a career, and itโ€™s something I love walking professionals through in career strategy sessions.

Start Small

We all know people who have recently started a side gig and some who have even left their 9-5 positions to focus on the growth of their businesses. The pandemic has created a surge in the gig economy. According to the Aspen Institute, about 57 million Americans engage in freelance or contract opportunities. This contributes to more than $1 trillion in the U.S. economy. Securing short-term and contract work is a great way to develop the skills that can launch you into your next career opportunity. In fact, several of my clients use their bios, and 1-page networking resumes to demonstrate the impact they are making on the people they serve through their side gigs.

pursue your career

Give Back

Participate in community engagement activities to expand your knowledge, network, and opportunities. I founded a non-profit about 7 years ago called Chosen. The organization helps marginalized single moms improve their lives through academic scholarships, career coaching, and mentoring. One of my former employees was able to pursue her career from hotel operations to case management in a law firm. This was possible due to the experience she gained and the contacts she met at our fundraising events. There are several other stories just like hers. Non-profits are always looking for skills-based volunteers, therefore, itโ€™s something to consider.

If youโ€™re looking for guidance on pursuing a career you enjoy, Iโ€™m here to help. Connect with me on LinkedIn and Facebook!

EQ Emotional Intelligence at workDiscover a fulfilling career