Professional Bios Aren’t Just for Executives

โ€œI’m a mid-career professional; do I need a professional bio? Aren’t those just for executives?” These are some questions that I’ve heard several times. The truth is that this document is for more than just high-level leaders. I write professional bios for mid-level professionals, entrepreneurs, freelancers, consultants, artists, and high-visible clients who engage in public speaking or frequently conduct interviews with the media. Here are some tips for writing a professional bio.

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Bios for Freelancers Vs. Corporate Professionals

Take Jenna & Jose, for example. Jose is a freelancer who attracts clients through social media platforms and his website. He provides consulting and project management services and created a bio for various functions, including securing short-term contracts, completing RFPs, and as content for his website.

Jenna, on the other hand, is a C-suite executive. When she landed her first major leadership role, her employer requested a professional bio to introduce her to the team and showcase her wealth of knowledge. It was a one-page document that started and ended with impactful value proposition statements and showcased her unique organizational and community impact. Jenna has used her bio for speaking engagements and board opportunities throughout her career.

As you think about your current career goals and writing a professional bio, here are a few things to consider.

Professional bio tips

How to Write a Professional Bio?

Create Multiple Versions

Itโ€™s common to have a few versions of your professional bio that each target a specific goal. While the extended narrative can be used to meet your business needs, a condensed bio may be utilized for online networking through social media, giving you cohesive content across all platforms.

Highlight Your Unique Value Proposition

Your professional bio is a vehicle to quantify your signature strengths by highlighting your most impressive accomplishments. It should showcase your unique value proposition, which means the skills and experience that differentiate you from others in your field. Including information about your education, work experience, and professional affiliations can demonstrate your commitment to your industry and strengthen your credibility.

Maintain Current & Relevant Content

New career opportunities present themselves often, and you want to stay prepared. Update your professional bio each year the way you update your resume with recent accomplishments. This document is about elevating your brand, so the content should focus on your current, most utilized strengths.

Professional Bio Writing

By retaining M. Santiago Group to craft a bio highlighting your strengths, you can position yourself as an expert in your field and attract potential employers or clients. Need some guidance with structuring an impactful professional bio, updating your resume, or revamping your LinkedIn profile? Letโ€™s start the conversation.

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