Resume Customization

Is Resume Customization Really That Important? Should I modify my resume for each job that I am applying to? Is one general resume okay to use for applying to several jobs?” As Certified [...]


Get The Best Out Of Your Resume Writer

We are periodically asked if we can simply review a resumé and give a couple of quick improvement suggestions. We could, but we would likely be doing you a great disservice. Unless you know [...]


Securing a Job as a Military Spouse

Although it may be business as usual for military families to navigate multiple relocations and deployments, these two challenges contribute significantly to job instability for “the force behind [...]


Navigate and Showcase Two Career Paths

“I have experience in two completely different industries and I’m really not sure how to showcase this on my resume.  Is it best to have two separate resumes or combine all of my core [...]


What to Expect from a Resume Writer?

“I’ve submitted my resumé to numerous positions but have received no callbacks. Why can’t I get a job? Is my resumé the problem? How do I stand out from the competition?” These [...]

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