Navigate and Showcase Two Career Paths

Two career resume
โ€œI have experience in two completelyย different industries and Iโ€™m really not sure how to showcase this on my resume.ย  Is it best to have two separate resumes or combine all of my core competencies and experiences into one document?โ€ย 

What To Do When You Have Two Different Career Paths?

This is the type ofย question we receive often and most of the time, each individual is slightly more passionate about one industry over the other.

If you are uncertain about your two career resume, changing the focus of the top quarter of your resume to fit each industry and working with two different resumes is a strategy that many have successfully incorporated in their job search. You may also consider alternative formats instead of a standard chronological resume. A certified resume writer can guide you on best practices as well as a tailored solution based on your career goals.

Furthermore, a career coach can certainlyย help you navigate through what you truly desire to achieve in this next phase of your career. They may even be able to suggest creative ways in which the two areas of expertise can merge to provide you with a unique opportunity.

Do you know someone who is trying to navigate through this same challenge? We would love to help!ย  To learn more about our resume writing and career coaching services or to schedule a phone consultation, CLICK HERE.

Getting back to work after a career break