2020 Commonly Asked Resume Questions & Answers

As different States transition from stay at home orders to relaxed restrictions, many of you are adjusting accordingly.ย  While some have been furloughed and are seeking contracted work, others have permanently lost their positions.ย  As a result, M. Santiago Group has received a few commonly asked resume questions and we wanted to share our responses.


Question: My resume was done two years ago, I just lost my position, and now I want my resume updated to include my previous position.ย  Is this something that can easily be done without paying the cost of a new resume?

Answer:ย  Previous M. Santiago Group clients receive our exclusive resume update pricing with fees ranging from $35-$80.


Question: Should I include my executive experience from 1987 on my resume?

Answer: Positions that are older than 20 years are typically listed under additional work experience.


Question: What’s the difference between hard skills and soft skills on a resume and where are they typically placed?

Answer: Soft skills are typically mentioned in opening paragraphs while hard skills are mentioned under your core competencies.ย  Both are authenticated within your professional experience.


Hopefully, answering these resume questions will help you on your career journey. We wish you the best as you continue updating your documents, searching for the right jobs, interviewing, and securing those positions. For those of you who have recently started new positions, we wish you continued success.

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Resume Q&A

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