Effective and Useful Tips! Job Searching While Still Employed

how to find a new job while employedNathan Salmon recently wrote the article โ€œTips for Job Hunting While Still Employedโ€. He included numerous Doโ€™s and Donโ€™ts that are veryย useful for employees seeking to be discreet and courteous while they explore new job opportunities. This blog post will recap Nathanโ€™s piece as well as include some of our own advice!


How to job hunt while still employed?

Itโ€™s important to keep your job hunt quiet. This includes not hunting for a job online at your current workplace and not telling co-workers. These are easy ways for your supervisor to find out before you are ready to turn in your resignation. You will further not be able to concentrate on your job search if you are paranoid someone will find out. Do not announce your job hunt publicly on social media. Iโ€™ve seen plentyย of people ask their friends publicly on Facebook if they know any places hiring. If you are presentlyย employed while asking this question, there is a great chance thatย your employer will find out. However, you shouldย tellย trustful people because networking and referrals can certainlyย get you a leg up if you are recommended from an established source.

Job hunting while employed – useful tips

Another pointer is to dress in what you normally wear to work. Itโ€™s essential to not dress differently while at work but change outfits for an interview after work. People will most likely notice and inquire why you are wearing a suit versus the khakis you typically wear. Iโ€™ve learned from experience this is not a smart move to make.

In Nathanโ€™s article, he recommends working with a staffing firm. Yes, looking for a career can feel like a full-time jobย in itself. Working with a staffing firm saves you time and increases your chances of obtaining exclusive opportunities. Do considerย a staffingย firm will charge by potentially takingย a percentage of your salary. So, prepare to research and evaluate the costs and benefits of using a staffing firm. ย ย 

Itโ€™s imperative to be professional and leave the organization gracefully. Donโ€™t burn the bridges that took time and effort to build. Be honest with your employer if they found out about your job exploration. Most likely you will use your boss as a future reference so itโ€™s important to leave on good terms. Tell them what you are thinking and let them know you were planning on giving two weeksโ€™ notice once something was more secure. Keep the conversation positive and act grateful!

Good luck to you!

And if you need professional guidance with career change, we encourage you to check our writing and coaching services!

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