Mastering Virtual Interviews in a Digital Age

How to nail a virtual job interview and land the job? Itโ€™s similar to a traditional interview โ€“ you need to research your employees, be on time, and dress professionally. Additionally, you should test your equipment beforehand, try to look into the camera, and avoid using notes, though you might have them open just in case. But most importantly, you need to read through all our online interview tips!

Our Remote Interview Tips

What is the remote interview etiquette? How should you prepare for a virtual interview? Here are some tips that will help you answer these questions!

Prepare in Advance

Like in the case of a traditional interview, you should start by conducting research about your potential employer and preparing for the questions that the recruiter will ask. Obvious as it may seem, there are still instances where candidates donโ€™t even know the name of the company they are applying to, and this is a major faux pas โ€“ applying for many positions at once isnโ€™t an excuse; you need to be prepared.

In this case, itโ€™s good to practice, even if you have extensive knowledge in the field. It will help you form better answers, improving the impression you will make on the recruiter. It is also wise to hire an interview coach to train you. After all, the better you are prepared, the higher your chances.

Check Your Setup and Setting

One of our most important online interview tips is that you should check your setup beforehand. Make sure your camera, microphone, and speakers work in advance. This way, you will avoid being late. Plus, fixing your setup at the beginning of the interview just feels unprofessional.

Additionally, you should also ensure that your background is up to standards. You donโ€™t want a visible mess right behind you, nor people walking around the room, so pick a tidy, private space in your home where no one will bother you.

remote interview

Keep Your Notes Ready

Virtual interviews have one great advantage for candidates โ€“ you can access your notes anytime. You should make use of this opportunity and prepare some insights or bullet point lists that will help you if you get stuck.

Remember that while you might use your notes, you donโ€™t want to look at them too often or read them. The recruiter will spot it right away, and this might evoke the feeling that you lack confidence or expertise.

Dress Appropriately

Do not let the digital environment mislead you โ€“ the fact that your interview is virtual does not mean that you can wear whatever you want. Be sure to dress appropriately to the companyโ€™s standards.

Remember to Say โ€œHiโ€

In remote interview etiquette, saying โ€œhiโ€ is the equivalent of a handshake. Therefore, remember to greet your interviewer to show respect and good manners.

Here our tips is: wait for the interviewer to initiate โ€“ it will help you establish the tone of voice that you should use. You donโ€™t want to sound too formal if someone is casual or vice versa.

Look into the Camera

While you cannot maintain real eye contact during a virtual interview, you can at least try to do so. For that, look into the camera โ€“ it will seem like you are looking at the interviewer directly into the eye.

The Takeaway

Follow our online interview tips, and your chances will go up rapidly. Remember โ€“ an interview is a dialogue, no matter whether itโ€™s virtual or not. This means that you can (and should) also ask the interviewer your questions, so it might be good to prepare at least one or two.

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