Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) Explained + Tips

ATS explained - resume tips

One of the most common questions resume writers are asked is whether or not they write ATS-compliant resumes. What is it, and how to make an ATS-compliant resume? Keep reading!

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Applicant Tracking System Explained

ATS stands for Applicant Tracking System, a software that helps recruiters and companies compile and sort through resumes. The resumes are filtered through and passed onto the next person in the process once theyโ€™ve met keyword requirements and the applicant tracking system algorithms.

Applicant Tracking Systems are particularly useful for large companies that are hiring for multiple positions at the same time and are receiving a substantial quantity of resumes in response. This saves the company time and manpower, especially, when candidates are unqualified.

Recruiters, HR Managers, and hiring managers can still play a role throughout this process, quickly scanning through applications to make sure top candidates are not sliding by unrecognized.

What is an ATS-compliant Resume?

Whether your resume is passing through the scrutiny of the ATS or human eyes, your achievements and skills should easily stand out.

Here are some applicant tracking system tips to create a good resume and beat the algorithm by Jobscan Blog.

ATS Resume Tips

  • Carefully tailor your resume for each and every job you apply to,
  • Directly address qualifications found in the job description,
  • Increase searchability by adding resume keywords based on the job description,
  • Focus on the most impactful information in your work experience section,
  • Keep your resume formatting simple so that an applicant tracking system can accurately scan it.

Expertise in ATS-Compliant Resume Writing

M. Santiago Group is exceptionally knowledgeable about curating resumes to satisfy the algorithm and discourage the practice of cheap downloadable resume templates which may not be ATS complaint. Check out our resume packages.

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